Neglecting your pet’s dental hygiene is not only a disservice to the adorable pooch but may also lead to a rather steep bill of over £950, according to recent data provided by a leading UK pet insurance provider.

How to avoid huge vet bills: Don’t ignore your pet’s dental hygiene!

It’s sad but true: nearly a fifth of pet owners have either delayed visiting the vet or don’t visit one at all, likely due to the continuously rising cost of living.

Pet owners who are delaying timely vet visits, particularly in cases where their pet is not insured, can easily run up dental bills that range in the hundreds to even over a thousand. More than two-fifths of dog owners have reported dental issues being among the top ten reasons to see a vet.

The same pet insurance provider that reported the above figure (Co-op Insurance) has also stated that nearly a third of dog owners have mentioned feeling guilty of not taking their pet for timely vet visits –admitting that their pet’s dental hygiene is often overlooked, even though they do get a fair amount of pampering, such as professional dog walking and dog grooming in Winchester.

Proper tooth cleaning can actually be very challenging for the majority of pet owners as it requires specific knowledge and techniques. Furthermore, many pet owners and pets alike find the experience distressing – pet owners find it distressing because they are not trained and knowledgeable enough to do it properly, while pets feel the same because they are probably being subjected to a treatment they are not used to.

One way or another, pet owners must get in the habit of scheduling regular appointments with the vet as poor dental hygiene can easily lead to major health issues like gingivitis, dental disease, or a dental abscess. Owners who already have pet insurance have at least some kind of safety net as the above dental issues can be claimed on the pet insurance policy.

Co-op Insurance reports that Labradors and Cocker Spaniels, two of the most popular UK breeds, rank the highest in dental claims.

To help you avoid major canine dental bills, we recommend the following:

·       Get dental chews for your dog. These can be easily integrated into its diet, keeping them not only healthy but nicely entertained too!

·       Research the best type of toothbrush to use as there are a number of options available and then educate yourself on how to brush your dog’s teeth the right way. Alternatively, you can also contact a doggy day care centre and ask them to take care of it for you.

·       Since different dog breeds have different tooth alignment and structure, always discuss the best way to brush with a vet if you choose to brush your dog’s teeth yourself.

·       No matter what you do, do not use human toothpaste for your dog. Discuss which brand or type to use for your dog.

Final thoughts: Consider getting pet insurance and regular dog grooming in Winchester

Pets undoubtedly bring bundles of joy to us – however, we shouldn’t underestimate the responsibility it brings or the level of care they require, especially when it comes to dental hygiene.

Just like us humans, dogs have specific health and dental hygiene requirements, and we should all understand that if these are not tended to properly, it can cause a lot of unnecessary complications down the line, including some very costly vet bills, not to mention the pain and suffering your pet must endure.  

Pet insurance can provide an adequate safety net for owners, although it’s important to understand what the policy covers and doesn’t cover, in case of a dental emergency.

Either way, you should visit our local doggy day care centre as they may be able to partially look into your dog’s dental hygiene. However, that is certainly not a replacement or alternative for timely vet visits, so make sure to fit those into your busy schedule.

Happy Hounds is a haven for dogs of all breeds – regular dog walking aside, we take our dog grooming in Winchester very seriously and treat everyone’s pets at our doggy day care centre like our own.


